The pregnancy bedrest picture book for kids… and moms.
This is a book about pregnancy bed rest from a child’s perspective. Kids ask a lot of questions, and this mom answers them with optimism and excitement. She reassures her son that although things will be different for a little while, the two of them can have a lot of fun in the meantime!
Moms having a high-risk pregnancy can also use some reassurance, so we’ve included tips for you about how you can still be a fantastic mom, even when you’re stuck in bed. We’ll also show you how to make the most of your time together and guide you in talking to your child about bed rest in a positive way.

Jennifer Lynn Becker is a professional illustrator living in South Central Pennsylvania with a few cats and a lot of plants. Her focus is on illustrating children’s books as well as botanical artworks that highlight environmental concerns and solutions. She works in a variety of media, including pastel, watercolor, and graphite. You can see her artwork on her website, www.jenbecker.com.
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Here’s what they’re saying about Stuck in Bed: The pregnancy bed rest picture book for kids … and moms